Saturday, April 11, 2009

The front of the Hazelwood South Community Hall (south Eastern view). To the right is the Hazelwood South Reserve.

Actually now the bushy plants on the sides of the entrance have been severely trimmed back.
ADDRESS: 762 Tramway Road, Churchill, 3842, Victoria, Australia.

Hazelwood South Community Hall is a fifty plus year old hall made of grey block bricks and wood. Nothing much to look at as you drive past on Tramway Road but once you go inside the resenance and warmth is just there.

There is open land on the north and east side. An Arterial Road to the South side. And the Churchill Small Bore Rifle Club (22's) to the West. Ample car parking out the front doors. Situated on land owned by the Department of Sustainablity and Environment.

Over the years it has been used for a variety of events, activities and club meetings. Currently leased by the local Girl Guide District. One of their objectives was to maintain this building for the community. Upon review the District feels that this Hall should go back into the Community.

For this objective to occur a management committee for the Hazelwood South Community Hall must be formed. People with an active interest in the preservation and maintance of this hall for the benefit of different clubs, groups and community activities and events may put forward and nominate for a position on the committee of management. Simiply email to

Good to hear from you.

Susan Connor

District Leader
Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides.