Sunday, February 28, 2010

The CDCA 24th Feb 2004 minutes are incorrect.


7:00pm Wednesday 24th February 2010
Churchill and District Community Hub
Philip Parade Churchill

President         Margaret Guthrie
Vice Pre
Secretary         Rob Whelan
Treasurer         Charles Uber  
Peter McShane
Alan Scarlett (Monash Rep)
Dan Jordan JP (MUGSU Rep)
Teresa Pugliese ( Latrobe City)
Ian Gibson (Latrobe City)
Ron Bunn
Bruce Stephenson
Michael Tynan

CHAIR           Margaret Guthrie

5. Other business arising from previous minutes
5.1 Hazelwood South Honor Roll
The meeting was advised that Tom Lawless (stakeholder) has recommended not applying for funding this year and that interested parties should develop an ongoing strategy for the Roll.

NOTE Allen retracted the orginial proposal as he was lead to believe that the Hazelwood Honor Roll was damaged.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The area where the native transplanted
seedlings of the area were to stay.
Well planted and they disappeared.

Approximately fifteen years ago the now Latrobe City Council nursery person came out to the Hazelwood [South] Reserve and showed us how to use the tools to plant over one hundred tree saplings around the then Hazelwood Reserve.

The saplings were a wide variety of nectar and gum producing natives of the reserve area. The idea was to encourage the native animals while furthering a native corridor.

The second side to planting the sampling trees and shrubs as to lessen the retained water that lay over the Reserve during the wet season. The water sat from the reserves middle to the far North Corners. That is the side of the Reserve nearest the Monash Highway. The trees and shrubs chooses loved getting their feet wet.

The third reason was that when these trees and shrubs grew they would provide a wind shelter for the Churchill Soccer Club

The fourth and main driving factor that got the Guides out of home on a bitterly freezing day was they were working towards a badge. The Wombat Wattle one which involved doing something for the Australian Native vegetation and animals.

With in a few weeks the Churchill Soccer people were parking all over the saplings while games and practice sessions were occurring. People were 'hooning' around in the wet ground. During practice times and games the saplings went missing. As the kids grew up they have told of how they were encouraged to pull out and throw around the saplings so that they would not grow.

The scrubs that remain are next to the Hazelood Small Bore Rifle Club, One behind the Hazelwood South Hall and a small patch near the entrance dirt road that leads into the Soccer Club.

Even the six Calistamon trees that lined the front of the Hazelwood Reserve nearest the Tramway Arterial Road went missing.

Two different Hoons in 2 minutes. Unbelievable.

We were there and still cannot believe it!

March 2009 was the last time that a Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guide meeting was actually run at the Hazelwood [South] hall the following occurred.

As one approached the car parking area out the front doors of the Hazelwood [South] Hall there is a large pile of dirt and gravel to the Right. About 2 car widths away from where a Girl Guide Leader had parked. To the left other car was another vehicle. About 1 car width away from the Left of the car doors.

Items were being unpacked for use from the second cars boot. One Guide had already gone into the Hazelwood [South] Hall, another had her arms full of bags and was going to the right of the car to speak to the Guide Leader.

A car entering the Hazelwood [South] hall's off road entrance speed by taking a short cut to the Soccer Ground through the Hazelwood [South] Reserve. Too late for a warning to be issued and very glad that anything untoward did not eventualt the District Leader encouraged the Youth member inside.

As the District Leader was now getting the extra things out of the boot she was about to speek to the other leader who had stepped back from sorting things out in the front drivers side of the car. The Guide going inside called to the Leader. The leader turned her head right toward the door. In the process of flicking the door closed with the right hand the leaders body was to the right of the just closing car door.

A second over packed car speed up the Hazelwood [South] Hall off road car entrance. While the driver (in 60's) and his grandchildren and their friends sped laughing past they managed to miss the Leader by approximately 20 centermetres.

An instant further risk analysis was done which resulted in the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides meeting at the old Glendonald Child and Maternal Health Centre, 19 Churinga Drive, Glendonald, Churchill.

'Hoon' driver during overnight camp play time.

Hoon Driver.

When the District had an overnight stay a five year old youth member of Guides was walking near the front of the Hazelwood [South] Halls north eastern corner. A white Ute came came from the South (New Soccer club room area) towards the Hazelwood [South] Halls off road entrance / exit.. The Guide was running around just playing. None of us expected that a 'hoon' would travel quickly over to this exit. During this time the 'Hoon' driving just about collided with the young Guide. Should this have happened there was nothing we could have done except phone emergency services.

Unfortunately the Ute was either travelling too fast for an accurate number plate identification to be taken, or the number plate was on the wrong vehicle. When the incident was immediately reported to the police response was that the police could not do anything about this incident.

The soccer club secretary and also the President were informed at different times. their response was that the incident did not happen. We were making it up.

Near accidents as speeding vehicles cut across the Hazelwood South reserve.

Hooligan drivers.

Over the last few years the Youth Members, Olave Program Members, Visitors, Parents, Leaders and the District Leaders have witnessed near accidents occur with speeding cars, Utes and 4 wheel drives competing for the soccer clubs car parking positions by speeding while cutting across the Hazelwood Reserve or vehicles are parked criss crossing all around the Hazelwood South Reserve..

While the public or members of the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides are other wise occupied with what the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides have planned out these speeding 'hoons' can severely hurt someone - as has been the case on several occasions.

The risk analysis was easy to decide. Effecivetly prevention is better than cure. This step has drastically reduced the use of the Hazelwood [South] Hall until the Latrobe City Council has fixed the cause.
Having fun.

The reserve next to the Hazelwood [South] Hall is an area that all the varing ages of Girl Guides go out and have either group or team/patrol sports time. These activities have gone on here for over fifty years.
Having the Hazelwood South reserve just there to the north of the Hazelwood [South] hall has been a bonus for outdoor activities for over fifty years. That is until the soccer members / families decide to tear up into the car park area outside the front of the Hazelwood [South] Halls front doors and continue to speed over the Hazelwood South Reserve.

Tents, team work, camps, and life skills learned on the Hazelwood South Reserve

The Hazelwood [South ] Hall is right next to a public reserve. The Guides of the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides use this reserve area to practice putting up tents. Although the Hazelwood [and Churchill] District has both moder lightweight tents when leadership and team training re camping is required the older canvas kitchen flies and canvas tents come out for erection.

When the Region camp qualification camp, the Ev Graham camp, is run the Guides rope off an area in which to physically view where they have planned to utilize their camp equipment on the site size requirement.

Team work is important as without a semblance of planning, order and working together the camp moral is deemed low enough to close the site.

When working with outdoor camp site plans a large area is required while the Guide are kinesthetically shown so that the patiently learn the skills required.

History of the District and Hazelwood [South] Hall Names

Hazelwood Girl Guides began in 1957. Called Hazelwood as the District drew members from the Hazelwood schools. The Hazelwood Unit moved into the Hazelwood [South] Hall in 1959 and has been there ever since.

Much later in years the Churchill Units began.

There has been suggestions that as most members come from Churchill the Hazelwood District should have become the Churchill District for simplicity. What was decided by both the leaders at the time was that the District be a combined name thus reflecting the demographics of where the membership may be drawn from and the now intemingled history.

The Hazelwood name has been retained as the first name simply in recognition that the Hazelwood units were the first here.

The Hall still is known as the Hazelwood [South] Hall, even though the Latrobe City Council keep changing the voting boundrys, for the same reason.

These motioned were formally passed in the District Leaders Meeting and recorded in the minutes.

Written on behalf of the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision

Fair comments made from members of the Public re Hazelwood Honor Board relocation.


  • " What do the CDCA mean move the Hazelwood Honor Board into Churchill. It stays in Hazelwood."...

  • " My relatives names are in Morwell. I go to more well when I show my grandkids their relatives names. These same names are on the Australian War Museums Memorial Wall. Should I make the Australian War Memorial move to Churchill so I can see their names?"

How Linden became a suburb of Tawa.

Linden and Tawa, North Island, New Zealand needed to have a common name to be called.

Put it to a vote they said. Voting was believed to be fair.

A climb up to the peak was organised for a picnic lunch to occur.

And when was the vote done? From what I hear as those from Tawa went past the voting booth.

So Linden came under Tawa.

Just goes to show what lobbying and dirty politics can do generations later ha!! This system did not stop at just the Tawa and Linden votes. Others towns and in other countries had the same system of 'fair' voting established.

Should Churchill have been named Hazelwood?

Many of the families around the Latrobe Valley that I have spoken too to this day feel that the naming of Churchill was an underhanded political move by the then Government of Australia which at the time did not listen to the people that it claimed to represent.

After two generations went to war believing that they were sent to protect their homes and families the returned Hazelwood peoples had not only first hand witnessed carnage and manslaughter but their home and harth had changed dramatically.

The faming and family culture that they had left had changed by the time those on the Hazelwood Honor Board had returned home.

People were maimed, broken or crushed not only from the fighting while in the service, but families suffered educationally, financially, in health and in every other way known and not known at the time The suffering was not contained to them who went but was occurring back at home where none had a voice to change what was happening. Those that may have spoken out were too worn out to do so.The suffering just kept lingering on.when they returned..

It was in this climate that the local, State and Australian Government of the time were seen to back big business and ignore those very people on the Hazelwood Honor Board who went away.

In this climate of distrust and apparent broken promises the vote for a town name was made. Churchill name is said to have won by a slim margin. Their are other towns, some in other countries, in the same error, that have a similar historical 'vote' for the name ceremony. People do not like change. Especially when the change involves their heritage, home or identifty. But worst still they do not like to feel cheated with issues unresonved festering away within them. The people of these areas still today carry a bitterness at the feeling of being cheated.

Where would the Hazelwood Honor Board go?

There are District Leaders meeting minutes that state that should the Hazelwood Honor Board be removed the Hazelwood and Churchill District would go to Hazelwood North School or the Public Hall across the road from it and ask them to have the honor of housing and protecting this board.

The main reasons for this is three fold.
  • The first being that the reason for this was that Churchill was not even 'born' when those people went to war. These pioneers fought for Hazelwood, not Churchill as Churchill was not even invented then. The Churchill Township / residental area was Hazelwood.

  • The second being that among the 'Hazelwood' generations (older members especially) and their families their is animosity still towards the political of 'the day' when the implanted town became known as Churchill. Effectively honoring a politician rather than honoring those generations of pioneers who changed the land for grazing.
  • Just because some members in a 'towns' population thinks that they have the numbers therefor what they so happens is not the case. What this attitude is is political abuse of percieved power and down right abuse. Hazelwood and the generational ties to the area must be allowed a fair and equal voice. Opinions are always simmering below the surface.

Guides Honor.

* The Hazelwood (and later the Churchill) Girl Guide District were honored to be the Hazelwood Honor Boards guardians. This understanding still remains unless the District formally closed down according to Girl Guides Australia Guide Lines. This being the case previsions have already been set in District Leader minutes. Until this time and should this unforneit turn of events occur the leas on the Hazelwood South Hall would be forfitted and the Hazelwood Honor Board would find another home in Hazelwood. This was the orginal understanding, the way it remained for over fifty years and the way the Hazelwood Honor Board will be housed in the future.

Firery reaction From Tom Lawless.

* Having spoken to Tom Lawless on Tuesday I put to Tom the thought of removing the Honor Roll.

Tom was liveried and disgusted that ' I ' wanted it removed!. Toms mind was rested after I informed him that this was not the case.

Tom would try to do something about the removal to stop it. Beware Tom Lawless is on the war path.

Why a Hazelwood Honor Board anyway?

* The Hazelwood Honor Board was of Hazelwood names - not Churchill ones.
* The last remaining person alive on the board (as far as I knew) was Tom Lawless.

Hazelwood [South] Hall and Guides as at 24th Feb 2009

* That the Hazelwood South Hall is still used by Guides for such things as togethers, BB Q's, overnight stays, camp items.
  • After the use of the hall there is a clean up and maintenance report effective.

* Why should anyone else be interested in what the Guides do there?

issues re Hazelwood Honor Board addressed at CDCA meeting 24.2.2009.

Addressed the issues of: -

* Why the Guides had the Honor Board.
* Why the hall was under utilized. ( The danger of getting run over as Soccer cars rushed for parking by cutting of the reserve,
* Not being able to use the reserve for games, parking and entry to hall etc [ risk assessment word used]
* The relocation back to the Glendonald building for meetings,
* Waiting for Council to address the entry issues (build a new entrance way)
* Building maintenance reports and bringing Hall up to current Latrobe City Council maintenance of building standards [work currently in progress].
* That this maintenance will be finalized when there is a front fence the same as the early photos of the Hazelwood South Hall have in them.

Synopsis of what District Leader said at CDCA meeting 24th February 2010.

Before replying as to why I was at the CDCA meeting (24th Febrary 2010) I followed Protocole and procedure. 
·         I spoke through the Chair [the President]
·         I stated who I was and the organisation I was with / within the community.
·         I went on to address various issues with reguard to 
o        Why the Hazelwood [South] Hall is currently under utilized.
o        The Guides Guardian ship of the Hazelwood Honor Board
o        The condition of the Hazelwood Honor Board.

Not repeating past behavior.

At this point the president tabled the proposal the look on the president face when she realized just why I was there was not obvious to all. I'm so proud of myself. I did not outwardly 'smirk'. But when the President glanced my way I did privately acknowledge to the President that was the reason I was there. Having in the past been on committies with the CDCA current president, and reacting at times to various statement the president possibly thought I would jump in boats and all at this point. I did not. Lessons are learned as time goes on.

CDCA President suggested a delay with some tabled items.

As the President and using the valid reason of time the proposal was put : to carry over to the next meeting various sections of of general business. The President then realised why I was attending the CDCA general meeting.

Ugly rumors cause indifference believes District Leader.

Peoples minds need to be put to rest. Indifference is not an asset. Especially when the indifference is caused by rumors that are untrue.
So if John Holtmann and Mel Buggs mind can be put to rest on the issue of the Hazelwood Honor Board condition it would be appreciated. 
Towards the end of 2009 photos were taken of the Hazelwood Honor Board.  If these photos could be shown to both John and Mel if may lift the appearance of indifference that one/ both were reported to exhibit re the condition of the hazelwood Honor Board.. 
Not sure of who made this suggestion /planted this seed but observing two people at the meeting faces and body language I suspect I know. Let it be known I have trampled on these peoples toes before and probabily will do so in the future. They both have yet to answer some fundamental actions on other matters.  They both suspect that I know and are unsure of where I am on these matters they would like to forget. These matters I believe are NOT seperate to this current Honor Board issue.

The District Leaders comments re The Honor Rolls condition

For some strange reason Allen thought that the Honor Board was in a terrible state of repair.  Hence the reason for Allens the original suggestion to remove the Hazelwood Honor Roll.  No wonder John Holt man was indifferent and Mel Gibbs was concerned. To let this Honor Roll go to the down the Gurgler would be an extreme act of dishonor to those families and the people (N.O.K) on the Honor Board.  

District Leader attending the CDCA meeting re Hazelwood Honor Roll.

As District Leader of the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides I acknowledge the seriousness of 
the responsibility the Guardianship of the Hazelwood Honor Board gives me. So on Wednesday I attended the Churchill and Districts Community Association general meeting.  This meeting was held on the 24th Febuary 2010 at the Churchill Hub, Philip Parade, Churchill.  This general meeting started at 7 pm [ I arrived at 7.7pm] and finished approx at 9.10pm.

Reaction to the 'removing the Hazelwood Honor Roll once again'

A copy of a reply to an individual who notified District Leader about possible removal
 of the Hazelwood Honor role. [once again]

        The CDCA Presidient and Secretary were uncomfortable with me being there. I
 believe I was tolerated at first as the Preident thought I was a hanger on from the public 
meeting re 'Walker park.  Little realizing that the CDCA membership $2.00 had been paid 
and was receipted.  As the President and using the valid reason of time the proposal was to 
carry over to the next meeting various sections of of general business.  At this point as
 president tabled the proposal the look on the Presidents face when it was realized just why
 I was there was not obvious to all.  When the Presidentt glanced my way I did privately 
acknowledge that was the reason I was there.   
The President acted as though it was a possibility thought I would jump in boats and all at
 this point.  I did not  There is a protocol to follow when at open public meetings.  

When first being informed of the matter I did react. At least after my initial abrasive reaction when someone mentioned the relocation of the Hazelwood Honor Roll 'issue' I had time to 
think about, bring out into the open and review with other principal participants [Girl Guide Leaders, Tom Lawless, other long term residents] and to formulate an approach to a 'threat of the Hazelwood Girl guide integretity. What emerged from these quick catch up and discuss communication strategies was that I as District Leader was able to forward a very strong, 
pointed, logical stratagy that issued clear facts. 

Anyway at this point the person who orginally moved the motion stated that he was not 
happy with the decision to carry over the Honor Board topic. The President had to 
acknowledge him and let this CDCA member have the floor.  Poor Guy as he had no idea 
what he was in for.  At this point the President knew she was cornered.  Things were to 
come out into the open.  The member who had the floor had some very valid points that
 he believed were fair and honorable with the best objective and outcome in mind.  This 
being the case he was sure that to move the Honor Board into a position that everyone can
 view it would mean exposing the Board into the sun.  That --- Most Honor Boards are made of wood, highly polished with Gold plated lettering.  Damaged when in the sun and other weather issues.   --- That the CDCA should involve all the stake holders. The member fairly mentioned the list of stake holders he acknowledged. Noted the Guardians of the 
Hazelwood Honor Board were not on that stakeholder list. 
 At this point the floor was opened and discussion occurred.  Several other members and 
visitors added to the tabled topic.    
At the end of topic the President was it appeared going to quickly close the floor with the 
"its getting on in time and..." lets move the agenda on.  

Since I had had my hand up - having patiently waited until all others had had their say = the orginial member acknowledged my 'voice' waiting patiently to be heard. I thanked him for
 his recogition. 

Speaking though the chair I stated that as a Major stake holder I would like to have an 
opportunity to address the floor. (Nearly those words anyway)  Stated who I was and my
 positions in community.  Moved on to address the issues of: 
* Why the Guides had the Honor Board. 
* Why the hall was under utilized. ( The danger of getting run over as Soccer cars rushed 
for parking by cutting of the reserve, 
* Not being able to use the reserve for games, parking and entry to hall etc [ risk assessment word used] 
* The relocation back to the Glendonald building for meetings, 
* Waiting for Council to address the entry issues (build a new entrance way) 
* Building maintenance reports and bringing Hall up to current Latrobe City Council 
maintenance of building standards [work currently in progress]. 
* That this maintenance will be finalized when there is a front fence the same as the early 
photos of the Hazelwood South Hall have in them. 
* That the Hazelwood South Hall is still used by Guides for such things as togethers, BB Q's, overnight stays, camp items.
 * Why should anyone else be interested in what the Guides do there?  
* That the Hazelwood Honor Board was of Hazelwood names - not Churchill ones. 
* That the last remaining person alive on the board (as far as I knew) was Tom Lawless. 
* That having spoken to Tom on Tuesday I put to Tom removing the Honor Roll.  Tom 
was liveried and disgusted that 'I' wanted it removed!. toms mind was rested after I informed him that this was not the case.  Tom would try to do something about the removal to stop it. 
* That the Hazelwood and later the Churchill Girl Guide District were honored to be the 
Hazel wood Honor Boards guardians.  That would be the way it remained. 
* That should the Hazelwood Honor Board be removed I would go to Hazel wood North 
School or the public Hall across the road from it and ask them to have the honor of housing and protecting this board before it came into Churchill. 
*That the reason for this was that Churchill was not even 'born' when those people went to war. They fought for Hazel wood not Churchill. 
* That there was no need for applying to Government for a grant to fix the Honor Board.  
The Honor Board was 'up graded' at least ten years ago. in time for the VJ VP day 
ceremonies.  Most of those attending looked on with blank faces. So I said " 50th 
celebrations of Victory in the Pacific" and had to again prompt with ".... end of second 
world war." That John Holt man had seen to this.  In answer to why it had been removed
* Previously we had a new District Leader in training with no ties to the area. Both Marlene 
(Previous District Leader)and David Ellis were members of this CDCA. I walked into Guides with one of my daughters one evening and Marlene made the announcement to other
 parents that the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guide District was closing down. That 
important fact, I as a leader had not even been informed of.
 * Previous District Leader then proceeded once again to divvy up / throw away further items from the hall and from the District. Against Guiding protocol and Guide Lines and what 
the leaders wanted.] 
* That we eventually found the Hazelwood Honor Board. It had been handed to the CDCA.  
 * When we requested that the Honor Board be returned. Explained it was not meant to 
have been removed from the Hazelwood South Hall the Honor Board was used as a prop 
for some shop window display in the CDCA current secretary (Rob Wheelans) parners shop window.  Left sitting exposed in the fierce / intense afternoon sun light.  That yes there may be damage to it.  If that is the case it has been because of the CDCA and things done under its name. 
* I did  not say that we [leaders] were up to the point of making a very private request 
become very public.  Before this we had been to Tom Lawless, John Holt man and other 
prominent public officials.  Allen apologized to me.  I think he and others thought I was 
insulted. I was.  They can think / know this too. Allen retracted the suggestion of removing 
the Hazelwood Honor Roll.  Someone did then say that recently photos had been taken. No one knew why though. Tom thinks the taking of the photos was so that the names can be used for some reason somewhere. I like the idea of making brass plates with the names 
inscribed to go on the new wall somewhere.  At the end of the meeting Margaret had to 
have a snip at the Guides stand though with a comment that in 20 years time when she is 
walking around Churchill with her Grandkids she would like to be able to take them to the 
pine tree, the rock, the 'monument', the pioneer wall and to see the Honor roll without 
having to wait till the Guides were meeting there or ask permission to go in.  My thought 
were 'tough luck'  as that is how it stands. Pretty sure my body language laughed at her.  

Susan Connor 
 Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guide District Leader.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision

Why not try these places says District Leader.


If there is any other way I may be able to assist let me know. Have you checked with the Churchill Medical Center.... you use to book the public hall through them.  They could tell you where to go to book it!  Tried the Yinnar Pub???  Ask Trevor there.  What about the Yinnar south school hall????  Susan

District Leader 

Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides

Request Turned down reply from Rover Crew 8.1.09

fair enough 
thanks anyway :)

Reply to Rover Crew request for hall usage 1.9.2009

Hi there Zebe  Would love to help but there are two Major problems with hiring out hall.
  First: Only available to Guide members. Second major problem is there are to be major
 road changes happening due to Tramway Road changes to the Reserve.  This affects 
anything happening at the hall. Worst part is not knowing when these changes will happen
.  Susan

District Leader
Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guides

Request by Rover Crew to use Hazelwood South Hall 1/.9./2009

District Leader Received this request on Tue, September 1, 2009

Hi Susan.

 I'm a member of Churchill Rover Crew, and we were volunteered to run the Eastern Region Rovers christmas gathering/thing. 
 We were thinking of having it at the scout hall, but have been told there's been noise complants in the past (echo-y, points towards a bunch of houses, etc.). 
Anyway, somebody mentioned hiring the Guide Hall instead, since it's a bit further out of town, less likely to disturb people, and generally nicer.   So I was wondering if we could book the hall for use from midday on Saturday 28th november to about midday on the 29th? 
Of course we'd clean up after ourselves, and make sure everythings in order before we left. 
 thanks in advance,   Zebe.