Monday, March 1, 2010

Robs reply to Email re Honor Board [to CDCA and Issues]

Subject:  RE: in rely to CDCA and Issues
From:  "Rob de Souza-Daw"
Date:  Sun, February 28, 2010 11:17 pm
Priority:  Normal
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Following as received from Rob.

Sue, thanks for the email.

I make the following points-
1.        I will forward a photo of the Honour Board as an attachment with the
common email in 
        the next few days.
2.        I am not sure how many of the WWII servicemen and women listed on
the Honour 
        Board are still alive but in addition to Tom Lawless, the three Fox
sisters are alive.
3.         I wish to view the early photos of the Hazelwood South Hall and may
wish to obtain 
        digital copies.
4.         The expression- They fought for Hazelwood- is incorrect. None of
people listed on the 
        Honour Board enlisted at Hazelwood, some enlisted after they left
the Hazelwood 
        district and a few never lived at Hazelwood although they attended
the Hazelwood         South State School.
5.        I am the person who has taken photos of this Honour Board and
others. It is for my 
        own project relating to the commemorations of servicemen and women
of any era from         Hazelwood (including Churchill). I am seeking to
identify men and women who have 
        lived in Hazelwood (as defined) for some part of their lives and
have served full-time         in the Australian, colonial or allied forces. Many
of the veterans, for different reasons 
        are not listed on any Honour Board. 
6.        I am opposed to the suggestion that the names on this Honour Board
be duplicated for         another purpose as the Board contains inaccuracies
and is not complete.

More details will follow when I have completed and forwarded the email.


  Rob [de sauz daw]

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