Monday, March 8, 2010

Standards for the clean presentation of the Hazelwood ]South] Hall

A general rule of thumb
when having used the Hazelwood [South] Hall.  Leave the area cleaner, and in better shape, than when you took on the keys.

The hall is a Federal Government Building.  Therefore no smoking in or around the Hazelwood [South}Hall. for at least five (5) meters. Therfore there will be no smoke butt rubbish to pick up will there!

The hall is not a licenced venue. Guides Australia has very specific Guidelines re alcohol and alcohol around minors.  Follow them.

Rubbish bins.

  • There are two rubbish bins one red lid and one yellow lid.  

  • Remember the rubbish your use of the Hazelwood [South] Hall makes YOU take home with you..

  • Should you be passing the Hazelwood [South] Hall on the Wednesday before the Recycle bin [Wednesday Evening] please place the yellow bin out for collection - if it needs emptying.

  • The red bin has it's own collection pick up different from the general collection days. So this red one stays there.


  •  Before:
    • Easiest access is from the front.  Depending on the reserve ground there is a access via the Reserve side door.  Either via the pathway or by lifting items up a level from a parked car.  Not recommended.  The back door has steps leading directly to the kitchen.  Be aware of the dampness on the ground both behind the kitchen and especially on the Reserve. be careful -Bogging may occur on the reserve.
  • During
    • All entrances/exits need to be clear of obstructions (litter, bricks, rubbish bins.) at all times.There must a direct easily recognised escape pathway provided.

  • After:
    • All entrances to be cleared of rubbish, rubbish bins unwanted rubbish and items.

Main Hall

  • The Hazelwood [South} Hall's floor is a polished wood surface.  There is to be no scratches or scuff marks made into this floor.
    • so lift furniture, boxes - do not drag it.  If the furniture or container is too heavy then have a large piece of carpet (face down) under the furniture / container and move the item that way.
  • Cleaning of the floor involves sweeping and then mopping the surface.  No other cleaners are to be used except these :  1 tablespoon Metholated spirits mixed into the water in the map bucket..  No soapy substances allowed.  At all.
  • Mop does not have to be wet, wet when going over the wooden floor surface.
    • Bucket in kitchen, Mop should be behind the door, Metholated spirits in the first hallway cupboard.
    • Leave the mop to dry out so that any residule water goes into a bucket.  Not back onto a floor surface.


  •  Before:
    • .Unlock and position hands on the window frame...Not the Glass. 
    • Open window carefully.
    • C.R.C., or similar, will assist with the window opening ability.
  • After:
    • These are all to be closed and locked. You may have to push the window frames from the outside of the hall while someone else inside locks the window locks.
    • New damage report on any damage straight away.
    • Not on usage report any previous damage.


  • Before:.
    • Check the condition of these.
  • After:
    • `Pull over the netting curtains.
    • Leave the curtains in a tidy state.
    • Report / note any rips, tears or fair wear and tear on usage report.

  •  Before:.
    • Flush all toilets as you check the bathrooms for spare toilet paper availability and hand towels.
    • In the males one turn on the Urinal tap for the usage time as the urinal is designed to keep flushing there is a waste of water when not in use.

        • Have you lined the rubbish bins.
  • After:
    • Turn off the urinal in the male toilets.
    • Flush all touilets before leaving.
    • Wash out hand basins and down bench tops.
    •  Tip contents of rubbish bin into appropriate bags so that you take the rubbish home to be disposed off.
    • Replace toilet paper and hand towels before during and as event requires.
    •  Note in usage report the need / quantity of toilet paper and hand towels used.
    • Clean walls where necessary.
    • Clean floors by first sweeping the mopping them
    •  Refer to Floor care section.

Toilet Hallway

  •  Before:.
    • Sweep and mop down as needed.
  • After:
    • If cupboard opened and contents used tidy cupboard shelves.
    • Not what needs replacing. Put this in usage report.
    • Close and lock cupboards.
    • Sweep and mop floor.  Refer to floor care section.
  • Before
    • Are the fridges clean and aired.  Turned on at wall socket ( in hall way) and in kitchen (Above the head level on the Churchill and Morwell side of the Kitchen)
    • The urn has been filled turned on and water boiled in preparation for use.
    • Have you lined the rubbish bins.
    • Benches and table tops clean and presentable.
  • During
    • Open the swing doors and leave them open.
    • As you go along clean, wash and put away the dishes.
    • Hot water is in the Urn...when you refill it up.
    • All tea towels must be supplied by you.  Take them home please.

  • After
    • Remove all of your rubbish for disposal away from the Hall.
    • Cleaning of rubbish bins should be easy as you have used liners for the bins.
    • Benches and table tops to be clean.
    • Hot Urn water to be used for mopping of the floor.
    • Empty the dirty water away from the kitchen area. 
    • Leave no dishes, dirty or otherwise, on any surface.  
    • Place all equipment cleaned and away ...where it came from.

Cleaning equipment.
  • The cleaning equipment is found in two places.  The kitchen behind the door has the long handled items, bucket and brush and shovel.
  • The first cupboard in the hallway has the cleaning supplies, toilet paper and hand towels.

Switch Box/ meter box

  • Before:.
    • Check the electrical switch box is on. located in the front foyer for easy access.  Keep children away.
  • After:
    • Turning the switch box off at the end of use.  Turn only the bottom set of switches into the off position.

Cleaning on the outside

  • Check all around the hall and on the reserve area that your party of people may have used.
    • pick up all stray bottles, cans, smoke butts, balloon and ribbon pieces, pieces of paper, tinscell, decorations and other odd items. Throw these out.
    • Is there any thing around the Hall and on the Reserve that may tempt someone to damage or destroy the hall and surrounding area.  Your responsibility to clean it away too.
          • THANK YOU FOR THIS 

Return of the keys.

  • The keys are not to be copied at all.
  • Return and sign for the keys.

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